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This BTS Cameo Reveal Makes The Grant Gustin Snub in The Flash Movie Even Worse

The absence of Grant Gustin’s portrayal of Barry Allen in The Flash, despite the film featuring numerous cameos, worsened the decision-making and reception of the movie.

The Flash has garnered a mixed reputation among audiences, with praise from critics and significant criticism related to its adaptation of the Flashpoint comic, the sometimes jarring visual effects throughout the storyline, and the debatable cameo choices in the final act.

As The Flash incorporates a multiversal narrative, the omission of Grant Gustin’s Flash puzzled viewers who were familiar with his portrayal in the Arrowverse.

This exclusion was perplexing for two main reasons: it seemed like a disregard for one of the most recognizable Flash actors of the past decade, which felt like a snub to many, and instead of Gustin’s Barry, the cameos featured a “generic Golden Age Flash,” which felt out of place considering that all other cameos showcased actors previously associated with superhero roles.

Unintentionally, this decision to use a generic Flash accentuated the impact of an existing controversy surrounding the movie.

The Flash is “Generic” Its controversial cameos are made worse by Jay Garrick’s appearance

The Flash is Generic Its controversial cameos are made worse by Jay Garrick's appearance
The Flash is Generic Its controversial cameos are made worse by Jay Garrick’s appearance

The controversial aspect of The Flash’s use of deep fake technology and CGI to include cameos from Christopher Reeves and George Reeves becomes more apparent when considering that the inclusion of a “generic” Jay Garrick suggests that this alternative avenue could have been taken instead of digitally recreating deceased actors.

This is particularly significant considering the circumstances surrounding both individuals. In an interview, Christopher Reeves expressed reluctance to reprise his role as Superman unless he believed in the project.

Furthermore, George Reeves’ career as Superman is speculated to have contributed to his tragic death by suicide, as he faced difficulties securing other roles after portraying the superhero.

While the Superman cameos were likely chosen for their historical significance, the decision to include recreated appearances of actors who, based on evidence, may not have desired to be part of the movie inevitably alienated the very fans who admired both portrayals of Superman.

Alternatively, The Flash could have opted to feature Grant Gustin’s Barry Allen as a prominent cameo, which avoided the controversy and appealed to the substantial fanbase of the Arrowverse.

Why There Is not a Cameo From Another Flash Franchise in The Flash

Why There Is not a Cameo From Another Flash Franchise in The Flash (2)
Why There Is not a Cameo From Another Flash Franchise in The Flash (2)

The reason for Grant Gustin’s absence in The Flash was later explained as a result of the studio having to choose from various possible cameos, and Gustin’s Barry Allen didn’t make the final selection.

While movies like Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse demonstrated the potential and impact of multimedia multiverse cameos, The Flash deviated from including appearances by other franchise versions of the Scarlet Speedster, including various animated character iterations.

This decision can be understood as a means to focus more intensely on the two versions of Barry Allen, who take center stage in The Flash.

However, it also restricts the narrative’s ability to emphasize the significance of the superhero, as the pivotal multiverse reveal scenes instead showcase a range of Superman and Batman variations, with a single generic alternate Flash suggesting that the movie’s titular hero may not hold as much importance.

Including Grant Gustin’s Barry Allen in The Flash would have been advantageous, as it would have served to emphasize the historical importance and significance of this superhero role in the real world.

The Flash has how many post-credits scenes?

The Flash has how many post-credits scenes
The Flash has how many post-credits scenes

While anticipating the post-credit scene, take a refreshing sip of your favorite soda. Without delving into specifics (which can be found elsewhere if you’re curious), let’s say that the post-credit scene serves as a setup for an upcoming installment in the DC Universe.

So, be patient and enjoy the credits until the very end of the movie to discover more.

While it has become a customary practice to witness superheroes engaging in various activities after the film concludes, the decision was made by producers to forgo any mid-credit footage for this particular film.

However, the movie’s unexpected ending may compensate for this omission, and fans might be forgiving of Warner Bros. and DC Studios this time.

The fate of The Flash in the DC Universe is currently ambiguous. The plans for the Fastest Man Alive, along with other Justice League members, are uncertain and not yet determined.

Will Miller continue to portray the Flash? Much hinges on the film’s success at the box office and the decisions of DC Studios co-CEOs Gunn and Peter Safran regarding recasting.

Barry Allen is such an integral part of the DC Universe that it is difficult to envision it without him. Describing the film as “fun, funny, and emotional,” Gunn has encouraged fans to experience it in theaters. However, no concrete information regarding future plans for The Flash has been disclosed at this time.

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What Happens at the Ending of The Flash

What Happens at the Ending of The Flash
What Happens at the Ending of The Flash

In The Flash, the storyline loosely draws inspiration from the DC Comics narrative of Flashpoint, in which Barry Allen journeys into the past to prevent his mother’s tragic murder during his childhood.

Despite his success in saving her, this alteration in the timeline creates a series of repercussions that lead to an unstable and unsustainable new reality.

Following a battle against Zod’s forces involving the combined efforts of the present Barry Allen, his past self, Batman, and Supergirl, they find themselves overwhelmed by the formidable Kryptonian army.

Tragically, Batman and Supergirl lose their lives, prompting Barry Allens to make another attempt by returning a few minutes to alter their actions.

Although they manage to avert the original fate of their fallen comrade, they meet their demise differently. The main Barry Allen comes to realize that the Earth’s destruction is an unavoidable occurrence within the timeline, becoming evident to him.

The realization of the futility of trying to achieve victory compels the central Barry to accept that he cannot change the past and must let go of saving his mother.

However, the young Barry struggles to come to terms with this and continues his persistent attempts to alter the course of history by returning to the past.

Inside the Speed Force bubble, the two versions of Barry Allen argue about the dangers and futility of attempting to alter the past.

Suddenly, the enigmatic Dark Flash, who had previously expelled Barry from the Speed Force, emerges. It is revealed that Dark Flash is an older incarnation of the younger Barry, with gray hair, who has spent his entire life trying to fix a timeline where his mother is alive.

Dark Flash attempts to stab the central Barry to prevent him from undoing his mother’s saving, but the young Barry sacrifices himself by jumping in front of the attack and dies. As they are the same person, this also results in the demise of the older Barry.

Returning to the past, the central Barry undo the changes that saved his mother’s life. He retrieves a can of tomatoes that he had initially given her, but she forgot, causing her to send Barry’s father to buy them and leaving her vulnerable to being killed.

By removing the tomatoes, the Flash’s mother is again destined to die, and Barry returns to the present timeline.

During his father’s latest trial, a revelation occurs when it is unveiled that Barry had moved the tomatoes to a higher shelf in the past, causing his father to look up at a camera, providing him with an alibi. Consequently, his father is acquitted of the crime.

Outside the courthouse, Barry contacts Bruce (presumably Batman). However, when Bruce arrives, he appears to be a completely different person from the Bruce that Barry knows.

Despite restoring his mother’s death, moving the tomatoes to prove his father’s alibi still caused the timeline’s alterations.

The movie concludes with Barry in a state of confusion regarding the current timeline he finds himself in and the uncertainties of what may unfold next.

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