I BET You Never Noticed these Hidden Details in Zack Snyder’s Justice League
Zack Snyder’s Justice League is a DC dream come true, and there’s plenty of things just for the fans packed into its four-hour runtime.
You can focus on the action, drama, and majesty of the Snyder Cut — leave the Easter egg and hidden detail to us. Let’s start with the title “I BET You Never Noticed these Hidden Details in Zack Snyder’s Justice League”.
10. GOD Battle
In the opening scene, we show Zeus handing aries the battle-ax that he will later use to deliver the final blow to Darkseid in Darkseid’s right shoulder, he not only managed to make a massive cut on his right shoulder, but he did it through Darkseid’s armor. And in the end scene, we saw the same cut on his armor. All these years, Darkseid didn’t even bother to fix his armor or get a new one altogether. He’s still carrying the memory of his only loss. This shows just how pissed he is at what happened. The same shoulder superman cuts into on Steppenwolf with his heat vision later.
9. Barry Home
In barry’s home, Rick and Morty play on a screen in the background the season one episode, something wicked this way comes, which ends with rick and summer teaming up to kick the devil’s ass similar to the tag team beat down the justice league gives Steppenwolf at the end scene.
8. Car Accident
In victor’s car accident with his mother, the moment of the crash notice. How he reaches across the protector with his left arm, and later when he awakens in his cyborg’s brain, the first thing he does is look at his left hand. This is no longer severed, and we also know from the football scene from the hand he used to throw the ball. Victors, AKA Cyborg, is left-handed.
7. Zack Snyder cameo
When Lois Lane, AKA key for Superman, visits a coffee shop at the beginning of the film, Zack Snyder cameo appears in the background this detail is a very important detail for DC fans, and also, I just wanted to say thank you to Zack Snyder for an awesome movie.
6. Fake ID
When barry sneaks into the star lab, he shows a fake id. Now in Josh Whedon’s cut, there was a mistake in the date of birth, which would make barry’s fake profile only a seven year old kid, but in the Zack Snyder cut, it fixed.
so that it is September 30th, 1997, which would reflect Barry as like 20 years old.
5. Lois Lane Death
When victor gets a vision of the nightmare timeline he sees Superman crying with the dead body of Lois lane on his arm, then Darkseid enslaves Superman probably with the Anti-life equation. In the background we can see robin’s suit that we previously seen in Batman vs superman.
So, this confirms this event is taking place in the Bat Cave, and that’s why superman becomes evil in the nightmare timeline because now he blames Batman for the death of Lois Lane.
Initially, when there was no hope of getting a Snyder Cut in the QNA session, Zack Snyder revealed his plans for justice league 2.
Had zacK continue to work on the dc extended universe justice league 2 would somewhat look like this,
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“Batman convinced the league that they should catch Darkside by surprise before he invades the earth again. So, superman entrusts Batman to keep lewis safe with him ,so they hide her in the bat cave, but Darkseid finds it out and goes to the bat cave and kills her. This triggers the nightmare timeline as seen in victor’s vision, moreover the chaos continues until flash travels back in time to warn Bruce about what happens, but flash mistakenly arrives at an earlier point which we saw in Batman vs superman but then he travels again to the right moment and tells Bruce to save Lois at any cost this time Batman sacrifices his life instead of Lois and the league defeats Darkseid as well.”
this is how justice league 2 and 3 would have panned out.
4. Alternative Timeline
Among this rumble, a bunch of great easter eggs. First off, the corpse of green lantern Kilowog, then the portrait of Thomas Wayne Jeffrey dean morgan, who may show up as Thomas Wayne Batman, Aquaman’s trident in this scene, Diana shield. Moreover, both of them are dead in this timeline. And then Joker’s truce card torn in half, meaning the truce was broken.
3. Spider Man reference
When Superman resurrects, the first thing he sees is his crest in black on the memorial. During this fight beside barry on the memorial wall, the name we saw was ben parker, obviously from a different Universe. Ban Paker belongs to Marvel Universe as Spider Man’s uncle.
2. Darkseid look
Victor saw the funeral of wonder woman in his vision but if we pay attention to the left side of this scene. We can see Darkseid looking down at the funeral. So he’s clearly allowing the amazons to feel the pain of losing one of their best.
I think it was probably Darkseid who allow amazon to set up a funeral of Wonder Woman, and that’s just badass also, we can notice the way Darkseid turns around, this is the exact same VFX model of the Darkside that Snyder used to later in the climax again but from a different angle.
1. Omega Beam
Darkseid’s omega beam was satisfaction for all the dc fans especially seeing it underwater, but the omega beam even boiled the water. But that’s not my detail. I’m gonna freeze this frame as above of this para. Now tell me what you see nothing yet then see it on below of this para. It’s like “END,” which means everything will end when he fires laser beam.
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