Nightmare of the Wolf: The Witcher Prequel Reveals Many Things About Witcher History
The newly released animated prequel titled the Witcher Nightmare of the Wolf offer fans a better understanding of the world of the witchers. The film reveals so much about Witcher history and their world. The plot of the movie revolves around the past of Vesemir, the mentor of Geralt of rivia and many other Witchers. Along with the Witcher history, the film also features and explores a moment of crisis for the Witcher that has lifelong consequences.
The nightmare of the wolf’s plot features a dispute between the Witcher of Kaer Morhen and a nearby town. It involved a mutant elf who is causing chaos in the forest. At the end of the movie, the consequences of this conflict and Vesemir’s action cause some severe effects for the Witchers. All in all, the film offers an in-depth view of the Witcher history. Given below is a list of the most critical things from Witcher history.
Nightmare Of The Witch Reveals About Witcher History And Their Origin
The animated film dramatically focuses on the purpose of Wutchers and the reason behind their creation. It was revealed by the mage Reidrich that the Witcher was created to help chase away the old races like else and other mystical creatures. Aside from being made to kill monsters, the witchers also benefited humans to gain some power. The return of Filvandrel in the movie is proof as he tries to keep the remaining elves alive.
The Prequel Reveals About Vesemir’s Past Life
The Witcher mentor, Vesemir, may seem familiar to those who have read the books by Andrzej Sapkowski or played the video games adaptation. The Witcher nightmare of the wolf revealed so much more about his character and his past life. In the movie, it was revealed that Vesemir started as a servant boy when he was just a child. He first met a Witcher named Deglan when he was hired to remove an evil spirit from his lady. From there, Vesemir was inspired by the Witcher and followed him back to the school of Witchers, Kaer Morhen, to train and become a Witcher himself. For this, he leaves everything behind, including his ladylove Illyana who was later revealed as lady Zerbst.
The film also features Vesemir training to become a Witcher which was a pretty difficult process. However, Vesemir turns out to be a powerful Witcher, but he had to pay a high price for it. After becoming a Witcher, Vesemir has many resources at his disposal. He even had some of the same struggles as Geralt. The movie also focuses on the origin of the Witchers through Vesemir’s past story.
Nightmare Of The Wolf Shows Kaer Morhen Under Attack
In the final scene of the Witcher nightmare of the wolf, something happens that changes the Witchers history. Kaer morhen Is attacked by the people of the nearby town. The attack was led by the mage Petra Gilcrest as they attack and burn Kaer Morhen to the ground.